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Solutions for Authentication and Security Without the Use of Passwords
The modern-day is seeing a change in IT trends and advancement as we enter into an era where commonplace password usage is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Currently, IT is gravitating towards passwordless authentication, where technologies employ public/private key cryptography and biometric verification.
Passwordless authentication across platforms is being enabled by open standards such as Fast Identity Online 2 (FIDO2) and W3C WebAuthn. The standards intend to substitute the commonplace passwords with devices for authentication, which are easier and secure to use. These authentication devices have an advantage in that they can take advantage of the investments an institution has already made, like fingerprints, smartphones, laptops, and cameras with facial recognition.
The new technological options will be vital in helping organizations reduce security risks and enhance the level of convenience within the organizations. They will be vital in enabling an authentication ecosystem that easily meets such needs of an organization as usability, security and privacy, and interoperability for varying authentication devices. By and large, relying on passwords will be a thing of the past soon, especially in places of works. In addition, the new era will see a reduction in operational costs and password reset-related stress. However this will beg the question how passwordless authentication works?
The Significance of Passwordless Authentication: Passwordless Authentication and Protection Solutions
Typically, passwords are supposed to act as security barriers for protecting the accounts from attackers and providing access to the accounts by their owners. Organizations aiming to differentiate between potential hackers and account owners have to cease relying on passwords. Passwordless authentication uses multifactor authentication (MFA), which provides a familiar and easily usable authentication experience. At the same time, the technology provides top security that works across all the organizations’ services and devices.
MFA Technology can decrease the risk of an institution’s security being compromised by up to 99.9%. It is a vital need in the present day, where most jobs are done remotely, which has increased both the needs of the business and the user. Passwordless authentication enhances assurance while at the same time giving the owner more secure access to their resources.
Why Move to Passwordless Authentication
Statistically, the cost of using passwords and the risks that often arise from their use outweigh their benefits. Notably, passwords are prone to attack even with the strongest passwords combinations as they too have become highly vulnerable and easily phishable. Therefore, the need to move from the era of password to passwordless authentication is highly compelling.
Further on, most IT departmental budgets get consumed by password maintenance and support. Most departments try to minimize the theft of passwords by encouraging users to use a combination of characters, letters, and symbols in addition to changing passwords frequently. The trick, however, results in poor behavior amongst users, some tending to repeat the same passwords. The result is an increment in IT helpdesk cost.
Moreover, Cybersecurity threats are still commonplace even when all such measures are employed. This creates a solution that requires a more reliable means of protection, with multifactor authentication being the only solution.
We hope you found the Passwordless Authentication and Protection Solutions post helpful.